
New York Probate Lawyer Blog


Is the Estate Tax Still Important to Consider for Estate Planning?

During the course of preparing a New York estate plan, many different issues must be considered.  Initially, the basic plan must identify beneficiaries and the property or amounts each is to receive.  A thorough review and understanding of the creator’s assets and the ownership interests are essential.  As extensively discussed…


New York Will Contest Discovery May Be Prevented by Prior Agreement

In a recent post in the New York Probate Lawyer Blog, we discussed the necessity of reviewing various documents that may have an impact on a person’s estate planning or the administration of his estate.  Such papers would include divorce or matrimonial agreements and business papers. A recent Manhattan estate…


New York Wills – Divorce Papers, Business Agreements and Other Documents That Can Impact an Estate

We know that when a person engages in the process of creating an estate plan, it is important to review all assets that may be part of the disposition framework.  Assets that are owned in a person’s name are typically subject to the provisions of a Will.  The testator creates…


How Can an Estate Beneficiary Protect an Inheritance – Some Steps to Consider

As a Trusts and Estates lawyer in New York, I receive many inquiries from individuals who are concerned about recovering and protecting their estate inheritances.  The administration aspect of an estate generally can be in one of two forms.  There is a probate estate where a decedent dies leaving a…


Did You Know That Estate Litigation is Usually Not For Federal Court

The forum for proceedings regarding a decedent’s estate is typically the Surrogate’s Court.  Probate proceedings and requests for intestate administration are filed in the Surrogate’s Court in the county where the decedent lived.  For example, if the person lived in Manhattan, the estate proceedings would be filed in the New…

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